Now Available: Daughters of Darkness Book (Get 30% off!) September 28, 2020.
Confessions of a Cineslut: Drugs are Boring, M’kay… And the 90s sucked: On Trainspotting (1996) and Heroin Glamour.Confessions of a Cineslut: Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970) March 30, 2021.Confessions of a Cineslut: Daughters of Darkness (1971) March 30, 2021.Confessions of a Cineslut: Belladonna of Sadness (1973) April 2, 2021.Mary: The Graphic Adventures of Brea Grant October 13, 2020.Daphne Byrne (Book Review) November 12, 2020.
South Texas Blues: Christopher Garetano’s Dark Homage to the Making of Texas Chainsaw Massacre November 20, 2020. Dial P for Peanuts New Murder Mystery Graphic Novel November 24, 2020. Book Review: The Giallo Canvas June 8, 2021. Passport to Espionage: All the Old Knives July 7, 2021. Book Review: Ramsey Campbell, Certainly September 10, 2021. Nothing But Blackened Teeth (Book Review) September 27, 2021. In the House of Wounds Fabulous Beasts Sing Their Sadness Deep… February 1, 2020. A Conversation With Sean Hogan May 20, 2020. Belle, Book, and Candle: A Bewitching Burlesque Show in a Haunted LA Venue June 27, 2020. Christopher Garetano The South Texas Blues Interview: How Tobe Hooper Created the Ultimate Drive-In Horror Film November 16, 2020. Glamour Ghoul: Maila Nurmi and the Legacy of Vampira March 4, 2021. Dark Hearts Americana: Hubert Selby Jr April 12, 2021. ‘Hail Satan!’ 55 Years of the Church of Satan April 30, 2021. World Weariness Among the Eighties Socialites: Cristina’s “Sleep It Off” October 28, 2019. MotorWay City Midways, Middle Fingers, & Mayhem: Creem-Rock & Roll’s Only Magazine October 18, 2020. Mystic Demon Killer: An Interview With Director David Fussell April 12, 2019. Wicked Woman: Jinx Dawson on Coven at 50 June 27, 2019. They’re With the Band: Girls, Groupies, Gumption, & More with Muses Podcast September 5, 2020. the Rugged Man Talks About Movies and Music January 11, 2021 Heavy Medications Lapse: Eyehategod’s A History of Nomadic Behavior (2021) April 27, 2021. Why Can’t I Wither Inside This Dream? The Outré Sounds of Nuclear Death’s The Planet Cachexial (1996) and Harmony Drinks of Me (2000) June 23, 2021. Electronic Voyager: In Praise of Ruth White July 16, 2021. Hubris, Megalomania, and Bombastic Presentation: Guns N’ Roses and the Art of the Music Video September 19, 2021. From Toxie to Tank Girl: A Look at Why Your Appreciation of the Superhero Feature Should Extend Way beyond the MCU September 8, 2020. Review: Eli Roth’s History of Horror (Season Two) October 24, 2020.
Once in Every Lifetime Comes a Show Like This: The Young Ones July 10, 2021. “NOTHING prepared the world for the HORROR…” A look at Massacre Video’s new Blu-ray of TOXIC ZOMBIES (1980) August 19, 2021. “Come and Have a Drink, Mate”: Wake in Fright at 50 October 9, 2021.
French Thriller “The Lodger” (2020): Beware of Unhinged Landlords October 18, 2021. Provincial Disturbances: José Bénazéraf’s Frustration (1971) at 50 September 30, 2021. Reviews: Network’s High Definition Home Video Releases of The Dark Eyes of London, The Monster, and The Singing Ringing Tree October 14, 2021. Blu-Ray Review: Son of the White Mare (1981) October 15, 2021. Off the Rails: The Later Films of Nicolas Roeg (1986-2007) November 4, 2021. Director BRAD ABRAHAMS ON THE ART OF DAVID DEES AND DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? August 26, 2021. ‘The things that really haunt us’: Interview with Martyrs Lane (2021) Writer-Director Ruth Platt September 16, 2021. Touched by an angel: Miss Salome Jens October 5, 2021. CHUCKY’S FIRST: An interview with Dinah Manoff October 28, 2021. An Anomalous Species of Terror: AIP’s the House of Usher October 22, 2021. One Loud, Long and Final Scream of Despair: AIP’s The Pit and the Pendulum October 25, 2021. Neon Nights: The 90’s Noir of Takashi Ishii October 28, 2021. Matryoshka Cha-Cha: Fermo Posta Tinto Brass & IsTintoBrass November 2, 2021.